Black Flag Combatives

Black Flag Combatives is a self-protection and defense program created in order to give the average person a means to escape if place in a confrontation that has the potential to turn physical. The program touches on important issues that one must first understand in order to survive an engagement such as mindset, and proximity also the effect of stress. The program is taught via lecture and practical application over a two-hour training block. It is ideal for people that do not want to take martial arts but want to learn how to escape and get out of a situation.

Contact us for more information and to ask about our special group discounts and special group training.

Class size: 20person max. 10 person min

The program can be taught at the location of choice or at 7230 Middle St. Columbia, Sc, 29223.


Participants agree to have any images shared for the purposes of Equites Dei Training Solutions LLC.